Veale, T. (2025). What to expect when you're expecting: On the creative potential of generative AI. In Will Slocombe and Genevieve Lively (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of AI and Literature. New York: Routledge Books, pp 244-255.
Veale, T. (2024). From Guard Rails to Epic Fails: Can Generative AI Police Its Own Capacity for Offence? mediAzioni 43:177-194, special issue on Taboo in Language, Media, and Audiovisual Translation. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2024). You Talk Funny! Someday Me Talk Funny Too! On learning to see the humorous side of familiar words. In Proc. of EURALEX'2024, the 21st EURALEX International Congress Lexicography and Semantics, Croatia, October 8-12. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2024). From Symbolic Caterpillars to Stochastic Butterflies: Case Studies in Re-Implementing Creative Systems with LLMs In Proc. of ICCC-2024, the 15th international conference on Computational Creativity, Jonkoping, Sweden, June 17-21. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2023). Great Expectations and EPIC Fails: A Computational Perspective on Irony and Sarcasm. In Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr and Herbert L. Colston (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Irony and Thought. Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology. Cambridge University Press; 2023:216-234. [prefinal PDF]
Despot, Kristina Š., Ostroški Anić, Ana and Veale, Tony. (2023). “Somewhere along your pedigree, a bitch got over the wall!” A proposal of implicitly offensive language typology. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, vol. 19, no. 2, 2023, pp. 385-414. [draft PDF]
Veale, T. (2023). Have I Got Views For You! Generating “Fair and Balanced” Interventions into Online Debates. In Proc. of ICCC-2023, the 14th international conference on Computational Creativity, Waterloo, Canada, July 19-23. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2023). The Funhouse Mirror Has Two Sides: Visual Storification of Debates with Comics. In R. Campos, A. Jorge, A. Jatowt, S. Bhatia, and M. Litvak (eds.): Proceedings of the Text2Story’23 Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, April 2nd. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2022). Two-Fisted Comics Generation: Comics as a Medium and as a Representation for Creative Meanings. In Proc. of ICCC-2022, the 13th international conference on Computational Creativity. Bolzano, Italy, June 25-29. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2022). Does Not Compute! Why Machines Need a Practical Sense of Humour. The MIT Press Reader. [Link]
Veale, T. (2021). Your Wit Is My Command: Building AIs with a sense of humour. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [Sample chapters]
Veale, T. (2021). Walking the Line in Computational Creativity: Paradox and Pitfall in the Mitigation of Automated Offense. In Proc. of ICCC-2021, the 12th international conference on Computational Creativity. Mexico City, Mexico, September 14-18. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Wicke, P. (2021). Metaphor, Blending and Irony in Action: Creative Performance as Interpretation and Emotionally-Grounded Choice. In Proc. of ICCC-2021, the 12th international conference on Computational Creativity. Mexico City, Mexico, September 14-18. [PDF]
Wicke, P. and Veale, T. (2021). Creative action at a distance: A conceptual framework for embodied performance with robotic actors. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8:115–136. [PDF]
Wicke, P. and Veale, T. (2021). Are You Not Entertained? Computational Storytelling with Non-Verbal Interaction. In Proc. of HRI-21 Companion: Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (March), pp 200–204. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2020). Metaphor As Sign And As Symbol. In J. Barnden and A. Gargett (eds.), Producing Figurative Expression. Theoretical, experimental and practical perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp 511-532. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2020). Leaps and Bounds: An Introduction to the Field of Computational Creativity. New Generation Computing (in press):1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s00354-020-00116-w [PDF]
Veale, T. (2020). A unified theory of irony? As if ! A review of Irony, by Joana Garmendia. Humor: The Journal of Humor Research, 33(1). DOI: 10.1515/humor-2019-0081 [PDF]
Wicke, P. and Veale, T. (2020). The Show Must Go On: On the Use of Embodiment, Space and Gesture in Computational Storytelling. New Generation Computing (in press):14-42. DOI: 10.1007/s00354-020-00106-y
Wicke, P. and Veale, T. (2020). Show, Don’t (Just) Tell: Embodiment and Spatial Metaphor in Computational Story-Telling. In Proceedings of ICCC-2020, the 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Coimbra, Portugal, Sept. 7-11.
Wicke, P. and Veale, T. (2020). Walk the Line: Digital Storytelling as Embodied Spatial Performance. In Proceedings of the AISB Symposium on Computational Creativity, at AISB-2020, London, UK.
Veale, T., Cardoso, A. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2019). Systematizing Creativity: A Computational View. In T. Veale and F.A. Cardoso (Eds.), Computational Creativity:
The Philosophy and Engineering of Autonomously Creative Systems. Springer. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2019). From Conceptual Mash-ups to Bad-ass Blends:A Robust Computational Model of ConceptualBlending. In T. Veale and F.A. Cardoso (Eds.), Computational Creativity:
The Philosophy and Engineering of Autonomously Creative Systems. Springer. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2019). Metaphor in the age of mechanical production: (Or: Turning potential metaphors into deliberate metaphors). In: Metaphor and Metonymy in the Digital Age. Theory and methods for building repositories of figurative language, edited by Bolognesi, Marianna, Mario Brdar and Kristina Despot. John Benjamins.. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2019). Read Me Like A Book: Lessons in Affective, Topical and Personalized Computational Creativity. In Proceedings of ICCC’19, the 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 16th – 21st. [PDF]
Veale, T., Wicke, P. and Mildner, T. (2019). Duets Ex Machina: On The Performative Aspects of “Double Acts” in Computational Creativity. In Proc. of ICCC’19, the 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 16th – 21st. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2018/19). Changing channels: divergent approaches to the creative streaming of texts. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Cook, M. (2018). Twitterbots: Making Machines That Make Meaning. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Veale, T. (2018). The “default” in our stars: Signposting non-defaultness in ironic discourse. Metaphor and Symbol, 33:3, 175-184.
Veale, T. (2018). Sympathetic Magic in A.I. and the Humanities. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Humanities.2:9-38.
Veale, T. (2018). Appointment in Samarra: Pre-destination and Bi-camerality in Lightweight Story-Telling Systems. In Proceedings of ICCC 2018, the 9th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Salamanca, Spain, June 25-29. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2018). A Massive Sarcastic Robot: What a Great Idea! Two Approaches to the Computational Generation of Irony. In Proceedings of ICCC 2018, the 9th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Salamanca, Spain, June 25-29. [PDF]
Wicke, P. and Veale, T. (2018). Interview with the Robot: Question-Guided Collaboration in a Storytelling System. In Proceedings of ICCC 2018, the 9th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Salamanca, Spain, June 25-29. [PDF]
Riegl, S. and Veale, T. (2018). Live, Die, Evaluate, Repeat: Do-Over Simulation in the Generation of Coherent Episodic Stories. In Proceedings of ICCC 2018, the 9th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Salamanca, Spain, June 25-29. [PDF]
Wicke, P. and Veale, T. (2018). Storytelling by a Show of Hands: A framework for interactive embodied storytelling in robotic agents. Proceedings of the Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Simulated Behavior - AISB18 49--56. [PDF]
Ghosh, A. and Veale, T. (2018). IronyMagnet at SemEval-2018 Task 3: A Siamese network for Irony detection in Social media. In Proceedings of The 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 5-6.
Veale, T. (2018). Plug and Play for A Transferrable Sense of Humour. In Proceedings of HCII 2018, the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 15-20. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Valitutti, A. (2017). Tweet dreams are made of this: Appropriate incongruity in the dreamwork of language. LINGUA 197, 141--153.
Veale, T. and Valitutti, A. (2017). Sparks Will Fly: Engineering Creative Script Conflicts. Connection Science 29(4):332-349.
Veale, T. (2017). Déjà Vu All Over Again: On the Creative Value of Familiar Elements in the Telling of Original Tales. In Proceedings of ICCC 2017, the 8th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Atlanta, Georgia, June 19-23. [PDF]
Ghosh, A. and Veale, T. (2017). Magnets for Sarcasm: Making Sarcasm Detection Timely, Contextual and Very Personal. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pages 493–502, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 7–11, 2017.
Veale, T. (2017). Metaphor and Metamorphosis. In Ervas, F., Gola, E. and Rossi, M. G. (Eds.), Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education, Mouton De Gruyter, 43–60.
Veale, T., Chen, H. and Li, G. (2017). I Read The News Today, Oh Boy! Making Metaphors Topical, Timely and Humorously Personal. In Proceedings of HCII 2017, track on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions, Vancouver, Canada. [PDF]
Doogan, S., Ghosh, A., Chen, H. and Veale, T. (2017). Idiom Savant at Semeval-2017 Task 7: Detection and Interpretation of English Puns. In Proceedings of SEM-EVAL 2017, collocated with the 55th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Vancouver, Canada. [PDF]
Veale, T., Shutova, E. and Beigman Klebanov, B. (2016). Metaphor: A Computational Perspective. Morgan Claypool, Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Alnajjar, K. (2016). Grounded for life: creative symbol-grounding for lexical invention. Connection Science, February 2016, pp 1-16.
Veale, T. (2016). Round Up The Usual Suspects: Knowledge-Based Metaphor Generation. In Proceedings of the Meta4NLP Workshop on Metaphor at NAACL-2016, the annual meeting of the North American Association for Computational Linguistics. San Diego, California. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2016). A Rap on the Knuckles and a Twist in the Tale: From Tweeting Affective Metaphors to Generating Stories with a Moral. In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Ethical and Moral Considerations in Non-Human Agents. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2016). When Worlds and Scripts Collide. In Proceedings of HCII 2016, track on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2016). 3. The shape of tweets to come: Automating language play in social networks. In Nancy Bell (Editor), Multiple Perspectives on Language Play (pp. 73–92). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.[PDF]
Valitutti, A. and Veale, T. (2016). Infusing Humor in Unexpected Events. In Proceedings of HCII 2016, track on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. [PDF]
Ghosh, A. and Veale, T. (2016). Fracking Sarcasm with Neural Networks. In Proc. of WASSA’2016, 7th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis, at NAACL-2016, San Diego, USA.
Tony Veale (2015). 4. The humour of exceptional cases: Jokes as compressed thought experiments. Cognitive Linguistics and Humor Research, Brône, G., Feyaerts, K., Veale, T., (Eds.), pp. 69–90. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2015). Unnatural Selection: Seeing Human Intelligence in Artificial Creations. Journal of General Artificial Intelligence, 6(1), special issue on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence, pp 5-20.
Veale, T. (2015). Computational approaches to language and creativity: Creativity Ex Machina. In Rodney Jones (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Language and Creativity, pp 353-366. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Li, G. (2015). Distributed Divergent Creativity: Computational Creative Agents at Web Scale. Cognitive Computation 8(2), 175-186. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2015). Game of Tropes: Exploring the Placebo Effect in Computational Creativity. In the Proceedings of ICCC-2015, the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Park City, Utah, May 31-June 3, 2015. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Al-Najjar, K. (2015). Unweaving The Lexical Rainbow: Grounding Linguistic Creativity in Perceptual Semantics. In the Proceedings of ICCC-2015, the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Park City, Utah, May 31-June 3, 2015. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2015). Ode to a Keatsian Turn: Creating Meaningful and Poetic Instances of Rhetorical Forms. In Tarek Besold, Marco Schorlemmer and Alan Smaill (Eds.) Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines. Atlantis Press. [PDF]
Veale, T., Valitutti, A. and Li, G. (2015). Twitter: The Best of Bot Worls for Automated Wit. In Proceedings of DAPI/HCII-2015, the 3rd International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions at the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Los Angeles, CA (August). [PDF]
Veale, T. (2015). Fighting Words and Antagonistic Worlds. In the Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Metaphor in NLP at NAACL-2015, Denver, Colorado, June 5, 2015. [PDF]
Valitutti, A. and Veale, T. (2015). Inducing an Ironic Effect in Automated Tweets. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2015), September 21-24, Xi’an, China. [PDF]
Ghosh, A., Li, G., Veale, T., Rosso, P., Shutova, E., Barnden, J. and Reyes, A. (2015). SemEval-2015 Task 11: Sentiment Analysis of Figurative Language in Twitter. In the Proceedings of SemEval-2015, the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations, Denver, Colorado, June 4-5, 2015. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2014). Running with Scissors: Cut-Ups, Boundary Friction and Creative Reuse. In: Proceedings of ICCBR-2014, the International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning. Cork, Ireland, September 2014 [PDF]
Veale, T. (2014). The ABCs of XYZs: Creativity and Conservativity in Humorous Epithets. In: J. Manjaly & B. Indurkhya (Eds.) Cognition, Experience, and Creativity. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2014). Coming Good and Breaking Bad: Generating Transformative Character Arcs For Use in Compelling Stories. Proceedings of ICCC-2014, the 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Ljubljana, June 2014. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Valitutti, A. (2014). A World With or Without You* (*Terms and Conditions May Apply). Proceedings of AAAI-2014 Fall Symposium Series on Modeling Changing Perspectives: Re-conceptualizing Sensorimotor Experiences. Arlington, VA..[PDF]
Veale, T. (2014). A Service-Oriented Architecture for Metaphor Processing.Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, at ACL 2014, the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, June 2014. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Li, G. (2014). Analogy as an Organizational Principle in the Construction of Large Knowledge-Bases. In: H. Prade and G. Richard (Eds.), Computational Approaches to Analogical Reasoning: Current Trends. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 548. Springer. [PDF]
Li, G., Ghosh, A. and Veale, T. (2014). Constructing a Corpus of Figurative Language for a Tweet Classification and Retrieval Task. In the Proceedings of Fire, the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation workshop, 5-7 December 2014, Bangalore, India. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2014). Readymades and Creative Reuse. Transactions of the SDPS: Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 17(4):37-51. [PDF]
Hendrickx, I., Nakov. P., Szpakowicz, S., Kozareva, Z., O Seaghdha, D., and Veale, T. (2013). SemEval-2013 Task 4: Free Paraphrases of Noun Compounds. Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Volume 2: Seventh International Workshop on SemanticEvaluation (SemEval 2013), pages 138–143, Atlanta, Georgia, June 14-15. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2013). Strategies and tactics for ironic subversion. In: Dynel, M. (Ed.), Developments in Linguistic Humour Theory. John Benjamins publishing company. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2013). A Service-Oriented Architecture for Computational Creativity. Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, 7(3):159-167. [PDF]
Reyes, A., Rosso, P. and Veale, T. (2013). A multidimensional approach for detecting irony in twitter. Language Resources and Evaluation 47:239--268. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2013). Humorous Similes. HUMOR: The International Journal of Humor Research, 21(1):3—22. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Li, G. (2013). Creating Similarity: Lateral Thinking for Vertical Similarity Judgments. In Proceedings of ACL 2013, the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 2013.
Veale, T. (2013). The Agile Cliché: Using Flexible Stereotypes as Building Blocks in the Construction of an Affective Lexicon. In Oltramari, A.,Vossen, P., Qin, L. and Hovy, E. (eds.), New Trends of Research in Ontologies and Lexical Resources, Berlin:Springer, 257-275. [PDF]
Veale, T., Feyaerts, K. and Forceville, C. (2013). Creativity and the Agile Mind. In Veale, T., Feyaerts, K. and Forceville, C. (Eds.), Creativity and the Agile Mind: A Multi-Disciplinary Study of a Multi-Faceted Phenomenon. Walter de Gruyter, 13-33. [PDF]
Veale, T., Feyaerts, K. and Forceville, C. (2013). E Unis Pluribum: Using Mental Agility to Achieve Creative Duality in Word, Image and Sound. In Veale, T., Feyaerts, K. and Forceville, C. (Eds.), Creativity and the Agile Mind: A Multi-Disciplinary Study of a Multi-Faceted Phenomenon. Walter de Gruyter, 35-54. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2013). Talking Points in Linguistic Creativity. In Veale, T., Feyaerts, K. and Forceville, C. (Eds.), Creativity and the Agile Mind: A Multi-Disciplinary Study of a Multi-Faceted Phenomenon. Walter de Gruyter, 97-112. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2013), Creativity as a Web Service: A Vision of Human and Computer Creativity in the Web Era. In Stojanov, G. and Indhurkya, B. (eds.), Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Creativity and (Early) Cognitive Development: A Perspective from Artiicial Creativity, Developmental AI and Robotics. Stanford, CA. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2013). Less Rhyme, More Reason: Knowledge-based Poetry Generation with Feeling, Insight and Wit. In Proceedings of ICCC 2013, the 4th International Conference on Computational Creativity. Sydney, Australia, June 2013. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2013). Once More, With Feeling! Using Creative Affective Metaphors to Express Information Needs. In Proceedings of ICCC 2013, the 4th International Conference on Computational Creativity. Sydney, Australia, June 2013. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2012). Exploding the Creativity Myth: The Computational Foundations of Linguistic Creativity. London: Bloomsbury Academic. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2012). A Context-sensitive, Multi-faceted model of Lexico-Conceptual Affect. In Proc. of ACL’2012, the 50th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Jeju, South Korea. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2012). Specifying Viewpoint and Information Need with Affective Metaphors: A System Demonstration of Metaphor Magnet. In Proc. of ACL’2012, the 50th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Jeju, South Korea. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2012). A Computational Exploration of Creative Similes. In: MacArthur, Fiona, Jose Luis Oncins-Martinez, Manuel Sanchez-Garcia and Ana Maria Piquer-Piriz (eds.) Metaphor in Use: Context, culture, and communication, pp. 329-344. John Benjamins company. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2012). Teaching WordNet to Sing like an Angel and Cry like a Baby: Learning Affective Stereotypical Behaviors from the Web. In Proc. of GWC’2012, the Global WordNet Conference, Japan. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2012). Seeing the Best and Worst of Everything on the Web with a Two-level, Feature-rich Affect Lexicon. In Proc. of WWW'2012, the World-Wide-Web conference, Lyon. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2012). In the Mood for Affective Search. In Proc. of WWW'2012, the World-Wide-Web conference, Lyon. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2012). Detecting and Generating Ironic Comparisons: An Application of Creative Information Retrieval. AAAI Fall Symposium Series 2012, Artificial Intelligence of Humor. Arlington, Virginia. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2012). The Soul of a New Cliche: Conventions and Meta-Conventions in the Creative Linguistic Variation of Familiar Forms. In Proc. of Turing-100, the Alan Turing Centenary Conference, Manchester, UK. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2012). From Conceptual Mash-ups to "Bad-Ass" Blends: A Robust Computational Model of Conceptual Blending. In the Proc. of ICCC 2012, the 3rd International Conference on Computational Creativity. Dublin, Ireland. [PDF]
Colton, C., Goodwin, J., and Veale, T. (2012). Full-FACE Poetry Generation. In Proc. of ICCC 2012, the 3rd International Conference on Computational Creativity. Dublin, Ireland. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2011). Creative Language Retrieval: A Robust Hybrid of Information Retrieval and Linguistic Creativity. In Proc. of the ACL'2011, the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2011). Exploiting Readymades in Linguistic Creativity: A System Demonstration of the Jigsaw Bard. In Proc. of the ACL'2011, the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Li, G. (2011). Creative Introspection and Knowledge Acquisition: Learning about the world thru introspective questions and exploratory metaphors. In Proc. of AAAI'2011, the 25th Conf. of the Association for Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2011). We Can Re-Use It For You Wholesale Serendipity and Objets Trouvés in Linguistic Creativity. In Proc. of ICCC'2012, the 2nd International Conference on Computational Creativity. [PDF]
Howell, S. and Veale, T. (2011). Serious Linguistic Games as Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In Felica, P. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Improving Learning and Motivation through Educational Games: Multidisciplinary Approaches. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 726:758.
Veale, T. and Li, G. (2011). Analogical Cliques in Ontology Construction. In Fred, A., Dietz, J.L.G., Liu, K., Filipe, J. (eds.), Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Communications in Computer and Information Science 128, Berlin:Springer Verlag.
Hao, Y. and Veale, T. (2010). An Ironic Fist in a Velvet Glove: Creative Mis-Representation in the Construction of Ironic Similes. Minds and Machines, 20(4):635–650. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2010). Detecting Ironic Intent in Creative Comparisons. In Proceedings of ECAI’2010, the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Lisbon, Portugal, August 2008. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Butnariu, C. (2010). Harvesting and Understanding On-line Neologisms. In Cognitive Perspectives on Word Formation, A. Onysko and S. Michel (eds.). 393-416. Mouton De Gruyter. [PDF]
Forceville, C., Veale, T. and Feyaerts, K. (2010). Balloonics: The Visuals of Balloons in Comics. The RISE and REASON of Comics and Graphic Literature: Critical Essays on the Form, Joyce Goggin & Dan Hassler-Forest (Eds). McFarland. [PDF]
Veale, T. and El Mouddeb, M. (2010). Similarity, Comparability And Analogy In WordNet: Squaring The Analogical Circle With Mondrian. In Proceedings of the 5th Global WordNet Conference, Bhattacharyya, P., Vossen, P. & Fellbaum, C. (eds.). Mumbai, India. [PDF]
Butnariu, C., Kim, S. N., Nakov, P., O’Seaghdha, D., Szpakowicz, S. and Veale, T. (2010). SemEval-2010 Task 9: The Interpretation of Noun Compounds Using Paraphrasing Verbs and Prepositions. Proc. of the ACL workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval 2010)), 39—44. [PDF]
Li, G., Lopez-Fernandez, A. and Veale, T. (2010). UCD-Goggle: A Hybrid System for Noun Compound Paraphrasing. In Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation at ACL 2010, 230–233. Uppsala, Sweden, 15-16 July 2010. [PDF]
Veale, T., Gervás, P., Pérez y Pérez, R. (2010). Computational Creativity: A Continuing Journey. Minds and Machines Vol. 20 No. 4 (Winter) pp. 483–488. [PDF]
Veale, T., Li, G. and Hao, Y. (2009). Growing Finely-Discriminating Taxonomies from Seeds of Varying Quality and Size. In Proceedings of EACL 2009, The 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Athens, Greece. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2009). Support Structures for Linguistic Creativity: A Computational Analysis of Creative Irony in Similes. In Proceedings of CogSci 2009, the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Amsterdam. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2009). Hiding in Plain Sight: Figure-Ground Reversals in Humour. In Cognitive Poetics: Goals, Gains and Gaps, G. Brône and J. Vandaele (eds.), Mouton de Gruyter. [PDF]
Cardoso, A., Veale, T. and Wiggins, G. (2009) Converging on the divergent: the history (and future) of the international joint workshops in computational creativity. AI Magazine 30 (3) :15-22. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Li, Guofu. (2009). Ontological Cliques: Analogy as an Organizing Principle in Ontology Construction. In Proceedings of IC3K/KEOD, The International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Madeira, Portugal. [PDF]
Howell, S. and Veale, T. (2009). Designing serious games with linguistic resources. In Proceedings of FDG’09, the 4th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, Florida, USA, pp. 291-298.
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2008). A context-sensitive framework for lexical ontologies. The Knowledge Engineering Review, volume 23(1), pp 101—115. Cambridge University Press. [PDF]
Veale, T., Hao, Y. and Li, G. (2008). Multilingual Harvesting of Cross-Cultural Stereotypes. In proceedings of ACL 2008, the 46th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics. Ohio, USA. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2008). Talking Points in Metaphor: A concise, usage-based representation for figurative processing. In Proceedings of ECAI’2008, the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Patras, Greece, July 2008. [PDF]
Butnariu, C. and Veale, T. (2008). A Concept-Centred Approach to Noun Compound Interpretation. In Proc. of COLING 2008, The 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Manchester. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2008). A Fluid Knowledge Representation for Understanding and Generating Creative Metaphors. In proceedings of COLING 2008, The 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Manchester. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2008). Acquiring Naturalistic Concept Descriptions from the Web. In proceedings of LREC 2008, the 6th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Marrakech, Morocco. [PDF]
Butnariu, C. and Veale, T. (2008). On the categorization of Cause and Effect in WordNet. In proceedings of GWC 2008, the 4th Global WordNet Conference. Szeged, Hungary. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2008). Enriching WordNet with Folk Knowledge and Stereotypes. In proceedings of GWC 2008, the 4th Global WordNet Conference. Szeged, Hungary. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2008). Slip-Sliding Along in Linguistic Creativity: Building A Fluid Space for Connecting Disparate Ideas. In Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, Madrid, Spain.
Veale, T. (2008). Figure-Ground Duality in Humour: A Multi-Modal Perspective. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, 4(1), pp 63 - 81. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2007). Dynamic Creation of Analogically-Motivated Terms and Categories in Lexical Ontologies. In Judith Munat (Ed.), Lexical Creativity, Texts and Contexts (Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics), pp 189-212. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2007). Learning to Understand Figurative Language: From Similes to Metaphors to Irony. In proceedings of CogSci 2007, the 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Nashville, USA. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2007). Comprehending and Generating Apt Metaphors: A Web-driven, Case-based Approach to Figurative Language. In proceedings of AAAI 2007, the 22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vancouver, Canada. [PDF]
Butnariu, C. and Veale, T. (2007). A hybrid model for detecting semantic relations between noun pairs in text. In the proceeding of SemEval-2007, the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations, ACL 2007. Prague, Czech Republic.
Veale, T. and Hao, Y. (2007). Making Lexical Ontologies Functional and Context-Sensitive. In the proceedings of ACL 2007, the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, pp 57–64. Prague, Czech Republic. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2006). Tracking the Lexical Zeitgeist with Wikipedia and WordNet. In the proceedings of ECAI’2006, the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Trento, Italy, August 2006. [PDF]
Veale, T., Gervas, P. and Pease, A. (2006). Understanding Creativity: A Computational Perspective. Introduction to the Special Issue of Computational Creativity, New Generation Computing 24, pp 203-207. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2006). Re-Representation and Creative Analogy: A Lexico-Semantic Perspective. New Generation Computing 24, pp 223-240. [PDF]
Veale, T., Feyaerts, K., and Brône G. (2006). The Cognitive Mechanisms of Adversarial Humor. Humor: The International Journal of Humor Research, 19-3, pp 305-338. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2006). An analogy-oriented type hierarchy for linguistic creativity. Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 19, Issue 7, November 2006, Pages 471-479. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2006). Computability as a test on linguistic theories. In Cognitive Linguistics: Current Applications and Future Perspectives. G. Kristiansen, M. Achard, R. Dirven and F. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez (eds.). Applications of Cognitive Linguistics. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter. [PDF]
Costello, F., Veale, T. and Dunne, S. (2006). Using WordNet to Automatically Deduce Relations between Words in Noun-Noun Compounds. In the Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. [PDF]
Hao, Y. and Veale, T. (2006). Understanding Metaphor Using a Corpus-trained Fluid Category System. In the proceedings of AICS2006, the 17th Irish conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Belfast, Ireland, September 2006. [PDF]
Yu, Q. and Veale, T. (2006). Creative Puzzle Generation from Factual Content. In the proceedings of AICS2006, the 17th Irish conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Belfast, Ireland, September 2006. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Chen, S. (2006). Learning to Extract Semantic Content from the Orthographic Structure of Chinese Words. In the proceedings of AICS2006, the 17th Irish conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Belfast, Ireland, September 2006. [PDF]
Hao,Y and Veale, T. (2006). A Fluid Category Structure for Metaphor Processing. In Proceedings of the ECAI’2006 workshop on Computational Creativity. Trento, Italy, August 2006. [PDF]
Butnariu, C. and Veale, T. (2006). Lexical Combinatorial Creativity with "Gastronaut". In Proceedings of the ECAI’2006 workshop on Computational Creativity. Trento, Italy, August 2006. [PDF]
Yu, Q. and Veale, T. (2006). Creative Puzzle Generation from Factual Content. In Proceedings of the ECAI’2006 workshop on Computational Creativity. Trento, Italy, August 2006.
Veale, T. and Chen, S. (2006). Unlocking the Latent Creativity of Orthographic Structure. In Proceedings of the ECAI’2006 workshop on Computational Creativity. Trento, Italy, August 2006. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Hao, Y (2006). Corpus-Driven Contextualized Categorization. In Proceedings of the ECAI’2006 workshop on Contexts and Ontologies. Trento, Italy, August 2006. [PDF]
Veale, T. and Butnariu, C. (2006). Exploring Linguistic Creativity via Predictive Lexicology. In Proceedings of the ECAI’2006 workshop on Computational Creativity. Trento, Italy, August 2006. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2006). A Typology of Lexical Analogy in WordNet. In the proceedings of GWC2006, the 3rd Global WordNet Conference. Cheju, Korea, January 2006. [PDF]
Kim, H., Chen, S. and Veale, T. (2006). Analogical Reasoning with a Synergy of HowNet and WordNet. In the proceedings of GWC2006, the 3rd Global WordNet Conference. Cheju, Korea, January 2006. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2006). ZeitGeist: A Computational Model of Neologism Processing. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association. Munich, October, 2006. [PDF]
Hayes, J., Veale, T. and Seco N. (2005). Creative discovery in the lexical validation gap. Journal of Computer speech and Language Volume 19(4):513-523. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2005). Analogy Generation with HowNet. In the proceedings of IJCAI’2005, the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2005). Analogy as Functional Re-categorization: Abstraction with HowNet Semantics. In the proceedings of IJCNLP’2005, the International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Jesu Island, South Korea. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2005). Analogy as Functional Re-categorization: A perspective from HowNet. In the proceedings of the IJCAI’2005 workshop on Creative Systems, held as part of the 2005 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, July 30th, 2005. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2004). Incongruity in Humor: Root-Cause or Epiphenomenon? The International Journal of Humor 17/4, Festschrift for Victor Raskin. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2004). WordNet sits the S.A.T.: A Knowledge-based Approach to Lexical Analogy. In the proceedings of ECAI'2004, the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Valencia. John Wiley. [PDF]
N. Seco, T. Veale and J. Hayes. (2004). An Intrinsic Information Content Metric for Semantic Similarity in WordNet. In the proceedings of ECAI'2004, the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Valencia, Spain. John Wiley. [PDF]
Veale, T., N. Seco and J. Hayes (2004). Creative Discovery in Lexical Ontologies. In the proceedings of COLING’2004, the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Geneva, Switzerland. Morgan Kaufmann. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2004). Polysemy and Category Structure in WordNet: An Evidential Approach. In the proceedings of LREC'2004, the 4th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Lisbon, Portugal.
Veale, T. (2004). Paths to Creativity in Lexical Ontology. In the proceedings of the 2nd Global WordNet Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, January 2004. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2004). The Challenge of Creative Information Retrieval. In the proceedings of CICLing 2004., ed. Alexander. Gelbukh, Seoul, February 2004. [PDF]
J. Hayes, T. Veale and N. Seco. (2004). Enriching WordNet Via Generative Metonymy and Creative Polysemy. In the proceedings of LREC'2004, the 4th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Lisbon, Portugal.
J. Hayes, T. Veale and N. Seco (2004). Interpreting noun-noun compounds: exploiting lexical resources to create a truly large-scale model. In the proceeding of the 1st Workshop on Language Resources for Linguistic Creativity, at the 4th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Lisbon, Portugal.
N. Seco, T. Veale and J. Hayes. (2004). Concept creation in Lexical Ontologies. In the proceedings of LREC'2004, the 4th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Lisbon, Portugal. [PDF]
N. Seco, T. Veale and J. Hayes. (2004). The Paradoxical Role of Similarity in Creative Reasoning. In the proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Language Resources for Linguistic Creativity, at the 4th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Lisbon, Portugal. [PDF]
Veale, T. Unweaving the Analogical Rainbow with Lightweight Lexical Ontologies. AISB Quarterly, Autumn 2004, no. 118. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2003). The Analogical Thesaurus: An Emerging Application at the Juncture of Lexical Metaphor and Information Retrieval. In the proceedings of IAAI 2003, the 2003 International Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2003). Dynamic Type Creation in Metaphor Interpretation and Analogical Reasoning: A Case-Study with WordNet. In the proceedings of ICCS2003, the 2003 International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Dresden, Germany. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2003). Systematicity and the Lexicon in Creative Metaphor. In the Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Figurative Language and the Lexicon, the 2003 Applied Computational Linguistics Conf, Sapporo. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2003). Qualia Extraction from WordNet. In the Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Creative Systems, held as part of IJCAI’03, the 2003 International Joint Conference on AI. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2002). Meta-Knowledge Annotation for Efficient Natural-Language Question-Answering. In the proceedings of AICS’2002, the 13th Irish conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. Lecturer Notes in AI, LNAI 2464. Berlin: Springer. [PDF]
Veale, T. (2002). Compromise in Multi-Agent Blends. In the proceedings of TWWT 2002, The Way We Think, Anders Hougaard and Steffen Nordahl Lund (eds.). Odense Working Papers in Language and Communication, No. 23, August 2002. [PDF]
Veale, T. and D. O’Donoghue. (2000). Computation and Blending. Cognitive Linguistics, 11( 3/4), pp 253–281. [PDF]
Keane, M.T, Veale, T. and Costello, F. (2000). La complessità computazionale nella scienza cognitiva: Il caso del ragionamento analogico e della combinazione di concetti. In P. Cherubini, P. Giretta, and A. Mazzocco. (Eds.), Ragionamento: psicologia e logica. pp. 185-207. Firenze: Giunti.
Veale, T., O'Donoghue, D. and Keane, M. T. (1999). “Computability as a limiting cognitive constraint: Complexity concerns in metaphor comprehension about which cognitive linguists should be aware”, Cultural, Psychological and Typological Issues in Cognitive Linguistics, Ed. M. Hiraga, C. Sinha and S. Wilcox. John Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp 129-155. [PDF]
Hayes, J. and T. Veale. (1999). A Structure Mapping Model of Conceptual Combination. In the proceedings of the 1999 International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Sweden.
O’Donoghue, D. and T. Veale. (1999). How to blend concepts and influence people. In the proceedings of the 1999 International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Sweden.
Veale, T., A. Conway and B. Collins. (1998). The Challenges of Cross-Modal Translation: English to Sign Language Translation in the Zardoz System. Machine Translation 13(1). [PDF]
Veale, T. (1998). ‘Soft’ Approaches to Structural Alignment in the Sub-Graph Isomorphism Problem, in the Proc. of the IASTED International Conference on Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Cancun, Mexico, May 1998. [PDF]
Veale, T. (1998). Pragmatic Pressures in Metaphor Appreciation. Computation for Metaphors, Analogy, and Agents: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1562, Springer Verlag: Berlin. [PDF]
Veale, T. (1998). 'Just in Time' Analogical Mapping, An Iterative-Deepening Approach to Structure-Mapping, in the proceedings of ECAI'98, the Thirteenth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Brighton, UK, August 1998. [PDF]
Veale, T. and M. T. Keane. (1998). Principal Differences in Structure-Mapping, in the proceedings of Advances in Analogical Research, edited by Keith Holyoak, Dedre Gentner and Boicho Kokinov, 1998. [PDF]
Veale, T. and M. T. Keane. (1997). The Competence of Sub-Optimal Structure Mapping on ‘Hard’ Analogies, in the proceedings of IJCAI’97, the Int. Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Nagoya, Japan, 1997. [PDF]
Veale T. and A. Way. (1997). Gaijin: A Template-Driven Bootstrapping Approach to Example-Based Machine Translation, in the Proceedings of NeMNLP’97, New Methods in Natural Language Processing, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 1997. [PDF]
Veale, T. and M. T. Keane. (1997). A Computational Treatment of Metaphoric Blends with Special Regard to Cinematic "Borrowing”. In the Proceedings of Mind II: Computational Models of Creative Cognition, Dublin, Ireland, 1997.
Veale, T. (1997). Creativity as Pastiche: A Computational Model of Dynamic Blending and Textual Collage, with Special Reference to the Use of Blending in Cinematic Narratives. In Proc. of MIND II, Dublin, Ireland. [PDF]
Veale, T. and M. T. Keane. (1996). No Laughing Matter: The Cognitive Structure of Humour, Metaphor and Creativity, in the proceedings of IWCH’96, the First International Workshop on Computational Humor, eds. J. Hulstijn and A. Nijholt.
Veale, T. and M. T. Keane. (1996). Catastrophes of Goal Activation in the Appreciation of Disparagement Humour, in the proceedings of IWCH’96, the First International Workshop on Computational Humor, eds. J. Hulstijn and A. Nijholt.
Veale, T. and B. Collins. (1996). Space, Schematization and Metaphor in Sign: Sign Language Translation in the Zardoz System in the proceedings of AMTA’96, The second conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Montrèal.
Collins, B., P. Cunningham and T. Veale. (1996). Adaptation Guided Retrieval for Example-Based Machine Translation, in the proceedings of AMTA’96, The second conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Montrèal.
Collins, B., Cunningham, P. and T. Veale. (1996). Adaptation-Guided Retrieval in EBMT: A Case-Based Approach to Machine Translation. In Proceedings of EWCBR '96, Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, Ian Smith and Boi Faltings (eds.) Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in AI, pp 91-104.
Veale, T. (1996). A Metaphor-based Model of Conceptual Deep-Cases for Prepositional Attachment, in the proceedings of CSNLP’96, the 1996 Conference on Cognitive Science of Natural Language Processing. Dublin City University, Ireland, September 1996.
Veale, T., B. Smyth, D. O’Donoghue and M. T. Keane. (1996). Representational Myopia in Cognitive Mapping, in the proceedings of the 1996 AAAI workshop on Source of the Power in Cognitive Theories, Portland, Oregon, August 1996.
Veale, T, D O’Donoghue and M. T. Keane. (1995). Epistemological Issues in Metaphor Comprehension: A Comparative Analysis of Three Models of Metaphor Interpretation, presented at ICLC’95, the 4th conference of The International Cognitive Linguistics Association, Albuquerque NM. 1995.
Conway, A. and T. Veale. (1995). Building signs: Representing space and structure in automatic sign synthesis, presented at ICLC’95, the 1995 conference of The International Cognitive Linguistics Association, Albuquerque, NM. 1995.
Cunningham P., Smyth B. and Veale T. (1994). On the Limitations of Memory Based Reasoning, in working papers of Second European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning. Chantilly, France, November 1994.
Veale, T. and M. T. Keane. (1994). Belief Modeling, Intentionality and Perlocution in Metaphor Comprehension, in the Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Atlanta, Georgia. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. [PDF]
Veale, T. and M. T. Keane. (1994). Metaphor and Memory and Meaning in Sapper: A Hybrid Model of Metaphor Interpretation, in the Proceedings of the workshop on Hybrid Connectionist Systems of ECAI’94, the 11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Chichester: John Wiley.
Veale, T. and A. Conway. (1994). Cross-modal comprehension in Zardoz, an English to Sign Language translation system, presented at the 7th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Maine, 1994.
Conway, A. and T. Veale. (1994). A linguistic approach to sign language synthesis. In People and Computers IX. Proceedings of 1994 HCI Conference. P.211-222.
Cunningham, P., T. Veale and A. Conway. (1993). Knowledge Acquisition for Concept Indexing in Document Retrieval. Journal of Expert Systems for Information Management, 5(1):25-41.
Veale, T. and M. T. Keane. (1993). A Connectionist Model of Semantic Memory for Metaphor Interpretation, presented at the 1993 Workshop on Neural Architectures and Distributed AI, October 19-20, the Center for Neural Engineering, U.S.C. California.
Veale, T. and M. T. Keane. (1992). Conceptual Scaffolding: A spatially founded meaning representation for metaphor comprehension, Computational Intelligence 8(3): 494-519. [PDF]
Veale, T. and P. Cunningham. (1992). Competitive Hypothesis Resolution in TWIG: A Blackboard-Driven Text-Understanding System, in the Proceedings of ECAI'92, the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Chichester: John Wiley.
Veale, T. and M. T. Keane. (1992). Conceptual Scaffolding: Using metaphors to build knowledge structures, in the Proceedings of ECAI’92, the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Chichester: John Wiley. [PDF]
Cunningham, P. and T. Veale. (1991). Organizational issues arising from the integration of the Concept Network and Lexicon in a Text Understanding System, in Proceedings of IJCAI’1991, the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. San Mateo: Morgan Kaufman.
Veale, T., Cunningham, P. (1991). A Conceptual Framework for Semantic Integrity in large Knowledge-based Systems, in the Proceedings of the 1991 Irish Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science conference, AICS'91. Springer Verlag.